well, the call went out for blocks...I was overwhelmed by the generosity shown by everyone who rec'd the call. These are 7 of the quilts I made and gifted just before Christmas. There were quite a few tearful phone calls I rec'd thanking me/us for our generosity....one vet even said that he'd never been honoured in this way and it meant more than the medals he had rec'd.
this is Margaret, when I'm 90, I want to be just like her, feisty, independent and in good health.
This is fabulous, Claire!! I too make quilts for vets and I think this is my most favorite part of being a quilter!! Thank you for your superb generosity!!
Claire, I have some blocks that may never make their way into quilts. If you'd like them, let me know. qltnmom at gmail dot com. :)
Love your quilts! And your generosity!
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