Monday, December 30, 2013

December 26, on the Police Blotter

BOLO for a goofy looking St. Bernard cross, white in colour with black and brown splotches.  Wearing a pink collar and dragging a pink leash.  No tags.  2 years old, 60 pounds, answers to the name of Marsh.  Last seen heading toward Highway 91.
Yep, you guessed it, she dashed out the door while I was trying to get them both out for a walk.  She lunged, I felt myself slipping and grabbed the door, dropped the leash and away she went.
Seven hours later she was returned none the worse for the wear, having been found wandering just west of the town.  New friends were made and tags were promptly ordered.
Stayed tuned for more of "Houdini's" adventures.

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